


  スタッフ一同 B6705E7D-0286-4EF7-824A-BA1BC76E9875 Notice of restarting business Dear Customer, The restoration work from the damage of the other day of the typhoon has fallen and the business has been resumed on October 7 as planned in the same way as planned. However, there are places some of which can not be recovered as of today. (1) The communication function (telephone, FAX, Internet) can not be used due to corruption of the telephone line (2) 2 outdoor seats, beach seats and terrace (shade) seats can not be used (3) The repair work on the outer wall of the store is incomplete We think that there are also some inconvenient and dissatisfied parts, but we will continue to work on improvement, so thank you for your understanding. All the staff of Hamabe no Chaya  

2018年 10月5日 臨時休業のお知らせ

2018年 10月5日 金曜日 台風による悪天候の為、10月5日金曜日、臨時休業といたします。2日間連続となり、申し訳ございません。 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い致します。 なお、10月6日(土曜日)は、通常営業を予定しております。


臨時休業のお知らせ 2018年10月4日 木曜日 台風接近の為、臨時休業といたします。 ご理解の程、宜しくお願い致します。 I’m sorry. Because of the typhoon, the shop is closed.


おはようございます。 大型台風直撃の影響で、「山の茶屋」は停電となっていて 本日中に復旧の見込みがない為、本日は臨時休業致します。 ご予約頂いていたお客様やお問い合わせを頂いていたお客様には 大変ご迷惑をお掛けしておりますが何卒宜しくお願い致します。 Good morning. Because of the direct hit of the typhoon, the “mountain teahouse” was out of power Because there is no prospect of recovery today, I will temporarily close today. For customers who have made reservations and customers who received inquiries We appreciate your inconvenience but we appreciate your kindness.


2018年10月6日までの間を臨時休業とさせていただくこととなりました。 2018年10月7日の再開を目指しスタッフ一同復旧作業に取り組んで参りますので ご理解とご協力をどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 浜辺の茶屋  スタッフ一同 C3EEEBCB-2C2C-47D9-80B6-F73892CB1668 701E42BD-EA52-4477-8F97-5BA5C0B41CA8 B2AE45F6-1B62-43F1-85C5-6B8A2E8D7974   Announcement of leave due to restoration work from typhoon damage Dear Customers, For the restoration work from the damage of Typhoon No. 24 that hit the main island of Okinawa the other day, We decided to temporarily close the work until October 6, 2018. Since we aim to restart on October 7, 2018, all the staff will work on restoration work. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. All the staff of Hamabe no Chaya